Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New Jana Pictures

I don't sit still anymore. Cuddles? Who needs them? I'd rather crawl over Dada to get the camera.

I faked Mama out by eating peas and carrots for a few days and then no more.

I'm such a big girl - playing on my new music table. If I'm not crawling, I'm standing. Who needs sitting anymore?

See, mommy dresses me up in dresses on Sundays. Despite what people say, I can be girly.

Mama and I in the snow today. I would touch the snow and back away and then touch the snow again.

Hanging out with Dada in the snow, in front of the house.

You can't tell me that I wasn't one sick baby. Does it look like I don't feel good?

The upside to being sick is that I learned my new favorite thing to do: pull all the tissues out of the box as fast as I can.

I love my new music table that Great Grandma V gave me! Now I pull up on everything and even cruise to the couch from my table and back.

I also like my house that Grandma S gave me. One side of the house is in the inside and the other side of the house is the outside.

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