Sunday, February 21, 2010

A trip to the beach... in February???

We decided to pack up and head to the coast for the day with some good friends. We hadn't been to the beach since a few months after Kara was born and I'm not sure we actually made it on to the beach then. Needless to say, it was time to take the girls.

First, it was time for a little lunch. Mmmm! String cheese and "bologna" sandwiches (I think she just loves to say the word because every sandwich is bologna to her!)

Next Daddy took Maiya down to the water to run around and play fetch, so all the kids needed to go.

The girls loved the freedom and space to be able to run all over the place.

After running a few laps between the Daddies and Mommies, they settled in for some digging and playing with the sand... or at least getting sand in every imaginable crack and crevice.
Hmmm. What to do? Finish the cookie or dig in the sand?!?!?

Man that cookie lasted forever.

Ah, yes. Three of my faves.

Jana had a wonderful time digging in the sand, "building sand castles", rolling in the sand, and just enjoying every moment out there.

Emma and Jana were so funny. They spent most of the day, side by side digging, filling buckets and emptying them. Ah, simple pleasures!

Silly self-portrait.
Did I mention how Jana loved to dig?!?!

Jana decided she needed to wear her summer clothes. I was glad I could talk her into a long-sleeve shirt under the tank top. Emma, however, was bundled up - it is, in fact, still February.
A little family pic before heading home with two tired girls...

And one extremely pooped pup (who refused to let go of the Chuck It)

Who knew the coast would be this nice in the middle of February! I'm not sure it's this nice most summer days! :-)

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