Friday, August 14, 2009

Jana: 3 years, 5th month... a little late.

We were fortunate enough to get pictures taken this month and Megan did a wonderful job of capturing our kiddos' personalities. Despite Jana's obstinate moments, she's is such a caring and sensitive girl...
even if it isn't always welcome.
She loves her cousin Ari. She is very particular though: she is "Big Ari" now and has issue with Kara calling her "Baby Ari."
When asked to pose for a picture, depending on her mood, she's either a total ham or a stinker.

We are totally in the middle of "Monkey see, monkey do" phase. So, when Kara put the Mr. Potato head bunny teeth in her mouth and got some laughs, Jana had to follow.

Hae I mentioned that Jana insists on matching Kara some days?

Oh yes... the safari hat. One day, Jeremy had to drop the girls off at my work as he was heading to a meeting. While sitting in my cubicle (formerly my boss' cubicle), they found this hat. Oh how they had fun wearing them!??!?! Shhh. Don't tell her that we didn't give one of them back. :-)

Jana loves to take pictures. A picture similar to this one seems to crop up every few weeks. This is one her favorite friends: Chicky!

We're not sure what has started this (maybe the thunderstorms we had a few weeks ago), but Jana has become very sensitive to loud noises. She gets upset when she hears airplanes. She freezes right where she's at and covers her ears. Sometimes she even tries to run inside. This sensitivity does seem to come and go depending on how much sleep she's had.

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