Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jana's 3!

Oh my wonderful girl. How have 3 whole years passed by so far?

You are such a little girl now - it's amazing. You mother all of your stuffed animals - feeding them, changing their pants, comforting them when they cry.

You tell us that your best friends are Mommy, Daddy, and Sissy. You get along with most kids you meet.

You are amazingly verbal - most people have thought you were 3 for some time. You were kicked out of the nursery at church and into the preschool room because you were giving the ladies a play by play of our last trip to Costco with Nada and excused yourself to go to the bathroom. :-)

Speaking of which, you are out of the pull-up business completely. You are always dry at nap time and almost always wake up dry at night.

You come up with the funniest things to say and repeat far too much of what you hear. Apparently Mom and Dad need to be more careful with what the say. When you get frustrated with us, we hear some familiar phrases: "You're killing me, Mommy" or "You ARE kidding me, right?" or "You've got to be kidding me."

The obsession with Dora and Diego is over, but we are now in the middle of a huge obsession with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

You love crafts right now. You aren't too sure about finger paint because you don't like the feel of it on your fingers, but you LOVE your water colors. The only thing you love more than your water colors is cutting with your scissors.

You are in a toy hoarding stage: You find whatever you can that will hold toys and collect toys and carry them around with you, refusing to share them with anyone. You do this in Kids Court too, which amuses the ladies immensely.

You love money. Coins left within your reach become yours. You have a number of favorite places to store your money including pockets, cups, and your play shopping cart. We find coins everywhere!

You love your friends at school and are always so happy to see them, exchanging hugs at every greeting. You love seeing them at places other than school and playing with them.

You have started taking swim lessons and love them. You always look forward to Fridays to go to "swim class."

You have an amazing imagination. We seem to find baby animals everywhere we go and you take good care of them. The most common statements we hear these days are "I'll be the Mommy when you be the Daddy" or "I'll be Minnie when you be Daisy".

While you know how to spell your name and sis's name, it is by pure memorization. You can sing your ABCs, but can only recognize the letters J and A. However, you can count from 1 to 13 correctly, every time, but then goes 17, 18, 19, 14.

You still can't watch anything other than tv shows because all Disney movies are "too scary."

You are staring to go back to wanting to play alone. Sometimes your will sneak off and play quietly by your self.

You are starting to get into dress up. You love wearing Mama's shoes - especially if they have some kind of heals. You also like hats, especially Grandma and Grandpa's hats.

You love to sing and dance. Your current faves for singing are BINGO, Old MacDonald's farm and you love to dance to "A little bit up and a little bit down", "Shake your sillies out", and "Slippery fish." (And, embarrassingly enough, can sing the theme songs to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Little Einsteins, word for word.)

Dancing at Grandma and Grandpa's house after playing dress up in some of their clothes.

You LOVE your snuggles. About a month ago, you started asking for snuggles before bed, so now we snuggle before sleepies. The down side of this is that you started falling asleep quickly when we'd snuggle, so now you want me to stay until you fall asleep.

You gave up your binkies the night before your 3rd birthday!

You are such a joy and such a frustration some times. You have your own little personality, an immense amount of energy, and your own opinions about things. These are all wonderful things and are a part of this wonderful little person you are, but they get difficult when they conflict with Mommy or Daddy's intentions.

You love playgrounds of any kind. Your favorites are swings and slides, but sometimes you still get a little freaked out by them, but you would play for hours if possible.

Oh, our beautiful girl. You are getting so big. It's been amazing to spend the last 3 years with you and we are so blessed to spend each day with you. It's so special to watch you grow and learn. Thank you for being the sweet and loving little girl.

Our little preemie, only a few minutes old.

A couple of days later while in NICU.
You were so little

Even at 1 your big baby blues glowed and your smile enchanted.

That coy smile on your first birthday.

Posing for the camera on your second birthday.
Blowing out your candles with Daddy on your second birthday.

Our little sassy-pants at almost 3 years old.

Blowing out your candles on your 3rd birthday.

We love you so much!


Jen said...

Happy Birthday Jana!! I hope your feeling better.

Kristi Ann said...

Boy does she look like you! :)

HAppy (belated) birthday Jana!!!