Thursday, August 23, 2007

Kara is 3 months old.

I can't believe how much time has flown by. Kara's three months old and J is heading back to work as school is starting.

Kara is huge! She's starting to develop those chubby cheeks that Jana had. She's also so long. She's wearing 3-6 and 6 month clothes already. I just passed all of her 3 month clothes on to my friend who has a 3 week old. Hmmm.... sad.

She's so much more alert these days. She takes a short nap in the morning, a long nap in the early afternoon (when Jana's down), and then another short nap in the late afternoon. She's not sleeping through the night yet (grrr!), so I'm going to have to start shortening that middle of the night feeding to see if I can get her off of it. Here's to hoping.

She can totally hold her head up and loves her bumbo chair! The other night J was gone on a ride, so Jana and I were having dinner together. Jana now sits at the table, so I put Kara on the table in her Bumbo so we could all sit together. I'm sure it was a hilarious sight.

She smiles all the time -which I adore- and is a chatter box. Her newest nickname is "Agoo" because that seems to be her favorite sounds. I swear she is trying to compete with big sis already and she is such a chatter box too! Oh how I forgot how much I love baby sounds. They are so cute and sweet!

Kara has the sweetest personality. It took us a while, but we figured out that Kara needed more time stretching and wiggling on the floor (duh!), so we bought her a gym play mat and she loves it (and the bars to hang the toys on keeps the dog and Jana away too). Now that she has the ability to move more and burn off more energy, she's so much happier.

She'll hate me for writing this later, but she rips the biggest farts! Jana was sitting at the table eating her breakfast this morning and I was nursing Kara on the couch near her. Kara ripped a big one and Jana turned to me with this aghast look on her face and then she started giggling. It was priceless!

Here are some pics of my cutie, not that I'm biased!

Giving Mama some smiles!

Cuddling with Mama as best I can on the boat.

Hanging out with Grandma E. on the boat. Think you could find a life jacket that would fit me?

And this is supposed to be fun?

Smiley girl!

Lounging on the beach - Baby Style.

Hanging out with my new friend Camryn.

Are you talking to me?

Hanging out pool side with Grandma S.

I'm such a big girl!

Drooly smile.

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