She's still not walking, but is truly close. She's playing with standing and her balance and how much she can move while standing. We're keeping our fingers crossed that it will happen soon!
She's such a chatter box and a total crack up! She loves to play peek-a-boo where she hides behind something and then pops out at you. Her newest favorite word is "puppy" and she still calls every child "baby."
Everyday is such a joy with her and I'm so worried about missing out on things with her when the baby arrives.
I'm feeling okay. I'm having a rough time with my energy level and am having a horrible time with swelling. My hands hurt most of the time because of how swollen they are. I'm also having a hard time fitting into my Danskos which I always was able to fit into with Jana. I'm finding that I'm really sore... in lots of places. The most appropriate to discuss are my stomach muscles and skin over my stomach. I can tell my belly is growing again because a) my pants don't fit and b) the stretch marks are getting worse. J made the comment about how they are concentric around my belly button! Oh joy. But I feel like my stomach muscles are always tight and sore. (Okay, I'm done whining!)
Here are some pics of Jana at Easter at my parents.
Here is my dad with her while cousin Tyler was hunting Easter eggs.

Jana and I hanging out during the Easter egg hunt. Pardon the horrible pic of me. Can you tell I'm not sleeping these days?

Playing with toys on Easter in Grandma and Grandpa's family room.

This was on our trip south while I was working. This is Great-grandpa Ray, Grandma, and Great Aunt Boo.

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